Word of mouth can be a strong tool, so don't be afraid to casually mention to friends, coworkers, and family that you are organizing this memorable event. Depending on your community you might be amazed at how quickly word will spread. But in case that doesn't work, here are a few other easy ideas to get golfers talking.
Advertise in local publications and online. Hang signs and flyers at the golf course venue and local golf equipment stores. Writing a press release and contacting the local news media is also a great idea for maximizing your exposure. Talk to your local radio station to either advertise or set up an on-air interview. Offering a reduced registration fee for early signup is a great tool for generating early interest in your event.
Consider using social media to enhance your marketing campaign; whether you use Facebook, Twitter, or a forum for golf enthusiasts, word spreads fast online. If you have an approved email list, consider sending an evite to golfers.